Thursday, February 21, 2008

Looking Forward To NRB 2008

What am I expecting at NRB 2008? Well, that’s hard to say because I’ve never been to the national convention before. As a newbie to Ambassador, One thing I’m looking forward to is getting to meet a lot of new people. I’m also excited for the chance to travel out to Tennessee—I’ve never been to that part of the country before.

The entire time looks like it’ll be packed with great events, opportunities to form new relationships, and the chance to understand the Christian radio industry more. Seems great! So, besides figuring out what to take along, I think I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. =)

Any suggestions?

Carolyn Wallace


Anna said...

I totally know what you are saying Carolyn! Being the other "newbie" on the team, I'm looking forward to the whirl wind of activity and meeting everyone!

Lee Ann Jackson (Ambassador) said...

While looking forward to NRB 2008 and the wonderful opportunities it provides to connect with radio and ministry friends (and with co-workers--especially the newbies...Carolyn and Anna!), even as I prepare for the business-side of the trip, there are lots of things to tend to on the home front before I go! If you're a parent like me, take a look at my Trip Treasures concept for a way to stay connected with your kids while you're away: