Monday, March 10, 2008

Is It Monday Already?!

It's hard to believe it's already Monday morning of's been a wonderful time so far--meeting up with friends like Bryan Race . . . thanks for the new email address Bryan--we'll be sure to add you right away! =) And Michael Shelley . . . I'll try to post your picture momentarily! One of my highlights so far was a very special dinner with Joni and Moody friends--great time of fellowship and hymn singing (Scott Keegan--wow, what a voice!) And muchisimas gracias to Tony Calatayud and the Salem Team for a very exciting and informative time this morning about what's on the horizon for Salem Spanish radio! Off to fellowship in the Ambassador Hospitality Suite now (Presidential Boardroom A). It'll be a wonderful afternoon with Pete Briscoe, Jim Garlow, Gary Chapman, Vonette Bright, Kay Arthur and Charles Morris ... be sure to stop by and say "Hi!"

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