Friday, May 23, 2008

And it’s still raining here in Southern California … I’m looking out of my office window and am amazed at the storm that’s hit our area—including the tornado that touched down in a neighboring county. It’s hard not to be contemplative on cold and gray days like today and I can’t stop thinking about the reality that I can stay inside and avoid the storm—inside where it’s safe, comfortable and predictable. But there are many today whose storms aren’t confined to the exterior world around them. I know several who are facing physical and emotional storms. One such person is near and dear to the Ambassador family – our friend and co-worker, John Williamson. John probably isn’t so focused on the storm outside of his living room window today as much as he struggles with the storm raging in his body. Our dear John just went through his second back surgery and as anyone who has struggled through such an ordeal, it’s going to be a long road to recovery. In fact, Brad Mattes, speaker for “Life Issues” has had his own back challenges and knows first-hand the agonizing pain of not being able to do things a lot of us take for granted—like being able to be in one position for more than 10 minutes. So, today, as we look out of our windows and dread going out into the storm, we pray for a forecast of brighter days in John’s world. We love you John and can’t wait to see you back in the Ambassador hallways—rain or shine!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

More Hospitality Suite Visits . . .

Chatting with Charles Morris in the Hospitality Suite ...

Ambassador Hospitality Suite Visitors

Bryan and Michael--thanks for visiting the Ambassador Hospitality Suite!

Is It Monday Already?!

It's hard to believe it's already Monday morning of's been a wonderful time so far--meeting up with friends like Bryan Race . . . thanks for the new email address Bryan--we'll be sure to add you right away! =) And Michael Shelley . . . I'll try to post your picture momentarily! One of my highlights so far was a very special dinner with Joni and Moody friends--great time of fellowship and hymn singing (Scott Keegan--wow, what a voice!) And muchisimas gracias to Tony Calatayud and the Salem Team for a very exciting and informative time this morning about what's on the horizon for Salem Spanish radio! Off to fellowship in the Ambassador Hospitality Suite now (Presidential Boardroom A). It'll be a wonderful afternoon with Pete Briscoe, Jim Garlow, Gary Chapman, Vonette Bright, Kay Arthur and Charles Morris ... be sure to stop by and say "Hi!"

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Fun at the GOOH!

Always a highlight at NRB is our special family time with ministry and station partners. Today's time together at GOOH (Grand Ole Opry House) was one of the best yet! It was great to see all the friendly faces and get caught up with many of you there. The music and ministry of Calvin Nowell was Christ-honoring and uplifting--a wonderful time of worship. Boy, after that, I'm ready to hit the Monday. Sleep well, all!

Jennifer Perez

The NRB Blur

NRB has been a blur for me so far! It's been wonderful to be meeting so many people. I feel like I've started to see the "heart" of the industry--especially after last night's opening session. I had no idea how encouraging/motivating it would be to see hundreds of people gathered together with a common goal of sharing Jesus Christ through broadcast! It's so hard to decide where to be when, especially with so many great things going on. But if I haven't met you yet, I’d like to invite you to stop by the Ambassador Hospitality Suite (Presidential Boardroom A). I'd love for you to come by so I can meet you!


Saturday, March 8, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I was dreaming of a white Christmas . . . in December! I guess my wish was granted a few months late. Here's looking out my hotel window. Brrr!

Rough Ride!!

Well, I must say that Nashville and the Opryland Resort is AMAZING!!! Already today I have met some wonderful ministry partners and begun fostering relationships. But, I am glad that the flight is OVER! As we started our initial decent into Nashville, the captain let us know that we would experience some turbulence so I adjusted my seat belt and got ready for the ride. What I wasn't ready for was the one flight attendant telling the other "let's get out of here!" as they ran down the isle of the plane. Maybe 2 minutes later the plane shuttered, and dropped. Then swung to the right, then to the left and then dropped again. Man, that was intense. Luckily, that was the worst of it and we landed safely. But there is an indent on the seat where I burrowed myself and there are five gouge marks on the side arm rest where my hand was..:)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Compulsive checking

I don't know about you, but when I'm packing for a trip, I feel the need to check things multiple times to make sure it's packed and ready to go. For example, I will probably check 3 or 4 times just to make sure my NRB badge is in my bag, that my deodorant is really in my toiletry bag and that my wallet is really where I left it 5 minutes before.

But hey, I also sometimes drive back home just to make sure I really closed the garage door. You see, my theory is that if you compulsively check to make sure you have everything, you'll never forget anything!

See you all at NRB...I'll be the one looking in my purse making sure I have my room key...

Thursday, February 28, 2008

How's the Weather?

Is it weird that I have a compulsion to check

I mean, I live in Southern California so what I am expecting other than sun and 70’s? I “bundle up” when we drop to 65. I know, for most people that means shorts and flip flops. For me, it’s getting to wear a coat and scarf. (Hey, when else am I going to enjoy winter wear?)

According to the 10 day forecast for Nashville, I can definitely pack that coat. You may prefer flip flops. Here’s how it starts:

Friday, March 7: 50F, Partly Cloudy, 20% chance of rain

Saturday, March 9: 56F, Showers, 60% chance of rain

See you soon! I’ll be the one with the scarf.

Hey, just a quick two cents from this working mom busy with preparing for travel--while looking forward to NRB 2008 and the wonderful opportunities it provides to connect with radio and ministry friends (and with co-workers--especially the newbies...Carolyn and Anna!), in addition to preparing for the business-side of the trip, there are lots of things to tend to on the home front before I go! One important dynamic are my children ... if you're like me, you're always looking for ways to stay connected with your kids (whether traveling or not!), with a few years of NRB Events under my belt, I've landed on a concept I call "Trip Treasures" as a way to do just that! Take a minute and take a peek--your kids may end up wishing you had more trips to take!

NRB Travel plans

When you travel and have to remove your shoes--it's that "icky" floor thing! So I always buy an inexpensive package of socks to throw in my tote. Off go the shoes, on go the socks. Once I'm through security, off go the socks into the trash. On the plane, I use another pair that immediately get trashed on arrival. I save the others for the hotel room and the return trip!

Getting ready for NRB!

I know that for me, in the midst of making final plans and revising my schedule for the 50th time (!), I'm also stopping to breathe and asking the Lord to prepare my heart for the messages I will hear and for the conversations I will have. Past NRB highlights for me always include visits with ministry and station partners--some who have become very close friends thru the years!

Can't wait to visit with old friends and make some new ones during the convention.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


How many of these have I attended -- yipes! Actually, it's sort of fun to think back over the years ... from being one of the "next generation" (Jon & me, Tom Moffit #2, Rich Bott, Dick Marsh, et al) to being ... well, let's just say I'm quite "seasoned" now! All I can say is -- we're going to Nashville expecting to create memories that will make this "the best NRB ever" ... see you there!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

What I'm expecting at NRB 2008

You don't want to know how many times I've been to NRB. But each time is a new adventure. It runs the gamut from being mistaken for Peg's mother--to singing hymns with Joni in the hospitality lounge! These--and more like them--are NRB "moments" to be anticipated. See ya there!

Looking Forward To NRB 2008

What am I expecting at NRB 2008? Well, that’s hard to say because I’ve never been to the national convention before. As a newbie to Ambassador, One thing I’m looking forward to is getting to meet a lot of new people. I’m also excited for the chance to travel out to Tennessee—I’ve never been to that part of the country before.

The entire time looks like it’ll be packed with great events, opportunities to form new relationships, and the chance to understand the Christian radio industry more. Seems great! So, besides figuring out what to take along, I think I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. =)

Any suggestions?

Carolyn Wallace

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

NRB Events

Looking forward to seeing everyone at NRB!

In particular, I'm excited about showing our new Amb-OS AMR100 receiver. Great days ahead!

Jim Sanders